Teaching Resources
Conditionals and Information Sensitivity, taught with Matt Mandelkern, ESSLLI 2022. Lecture Videos: Introduction to Philosophy of Language Graduate Seminar in Philosophy of Language |
Courses Taught
Introduction to Philosophy of Language (TTU: Spring 23, 21) [syllabus][lecture videos] Logic (TTU: Spring 22, 21) [syllabus] Epistemology (TTU: Fall 2021; Rutgers, Fall 19) [syllabus] Knowledge and Assertion (Rutgers: Spring 19) [syllabus] Introduction to Formal Reasoning and Decision Making (Rutgers: Fall 18) [syllabus] Graduate: Seminar in Modal Logic (TTU: Spring 23) [syllabus] Seminar in Bayesian Epistemology (TTU: Spring 22) [syllabus] Seminar in Philosophy of Language (TTU: Fall 20) [syllabus] [lecture videos] |